A long overdue employee spotlight is one on Stacey Lawler. Stacey has been with the firm since the beginning in 2006. Through good times and not so good times Stacey has always stepped to the fore to volunteer for the most difficult and the least appealing things that need to be done at the firm. Whether we have been short of staff, confronted with some kind of outside challenge, or wanted to have a fun event, Stacey is always there to offer her support, creative ideas, and strong work ethic. As with any family owned business, personalities sometimes come into play. That is no different with Lawler Construction but Stacey has always faced those challenges head on and with great results.
As our key and sole employee in charge of financial matters she has advanced our systems and financial operations throughout her tenure. From payables and receivables to payroll and general ledger, she keeps fastidious records and makes the preparation of our annual statements very easy for the outside accountants. Her no nonsense approach to work and play always let the people around her feel comfortable knowing her position and being able to rely on her integrity and commitment to know that she always lives up to her promises.
We congratulate Stacey on being the anchor of our organization for all of these years and in the tremendous part that she has played in helping us to achieve whatever successes that we may have enjoyed!